No Dakota released their debut single 'HEL - feat. Mira Lu Kovacs' (b/w 'eM3') October 2021 - an atmospheric slice of distorted trip hop, with Vienna-based singer Mira Lu Kovacs (Schmieds Puls) guesting on lead vocal.
The follow up 'New Bronze age' (b/w 'Sufjan') was released June 2022.
In Summer 2022, the band release their debut album ‘New Bronze Age’, a post-rock concept long player, musing on the nature of AI and human identity, taking us on an imagined journey through time as Talos, the original automaton, mutates and reinvents itself - first as 'Hel', the robot in Metropolis, and eventually in to the future android world of Blade Runner and Ex Machina. LP scheduled release: Feb 2022.
The project was conceived during lockdown 2020 by soundtrack composer George Taylor (fratelli brothers, Dutch Head, The Ting Tings) and drummer / multi-instrumentalist Martyn Barker (Shriekback, Goldfrapp. Robert Plant, Ray Davies, Marianne Faithfull, Billy Bragg, Alain Bashung) with Jez Coad (producer Simple Minds, Lost Boy, Surfing Brides) and guest appearances from Vienna’s Mira Lu Kovacs (Schmieds Puls) and Berlin-based thereminist and vocalist Dorit Chrsyler.
“The lockdown was a paradox,” says Taylor. “It was horrible, we lost people... but at the same time we experienced an extraordinary period of creativity. I think there was a moment of reflection and realising what was important in life. I felt I hadn't really written like that since I first started out".
Comparisons will inevitably be drawn with Radiohead, Portishead, M83 and Unkle, but No Dakota’s intriguing blend of vintage hooks and cinematic atmospherics is all their own.
review here: https://www.progradar.org/?s=no+dakota
No Dakota are: Martyn Barker - drums, percussion, synthesizer, hang, vocals, bass, guitar; Jez Coad - guitars, bass, vocal, mixing and production; noh1 - vocal, bass, guitars, ebow, synthesizers, programming, arrangement, production; Mira Lu Kovacs - vocal; Dorit Chrysler - theremin, vocal
Published by BMG/Bucks Music Ltd/Ink Music - Budde International/Barking Green Music Ltd ©2021
All rights Good Deeds Music Ltd ©2021

NO DAKOTA - New Bronze Age - mock-up deluxe CD edition, for pre-order 2022
All rights Good Deeds Music Ltd ©2022. Published by Barking Green Music Ltd ©2022